Sunday, October 16, 2011

Busy Loving

I have been up to my eyeballs with the doings and beings in this family!!
There are a lot of pictures..i took a couple from each folder over the past few months...
just a little recap for you..
 oh sweet Sammy Love..

 and Baby Love..
here is sweet Owen in July...with a lovey blanket from my friend Lora..
he loves his blankie!!
 At his 2 month checkup he weighed in at 9 lbs 6 oz...
this put him in the 1st percentile for his weight...eek!
I am nursing and supplementing with formula..and he is a sturdy almost 13 lbs now!
Wahoo baby boy!

 Did i tell you Sam loves painting...??
Like serious LOVE!! He has been painting everything he can get his hands on..
 Goggles!! What more can i say?

 Sammy's first picture of his house!!
It looks like we live in a smurfy village..
I love our home...and our swagger wagon!!
Yay Sam!
(that's Myles...on the pot...who could have let the water overflow...hmmmm???)  
 We celebrated Sam's 6th Birthday on September 10th!!
What in the world!!

 We started online school for both of the boys..
It was TOOOOO much for me..
What was I thinking...???
Myles is still chugging along with the program..however we have enrolled Sam back in school.
He has only been there for a week and a half..but what a different.
I'm a busy gal...but I have recruited the most awesome help!!
 My parents live here in SC now...
I have been waiting my whole life for this!!
It has been unbelievable sharing this little life with them too.
The children love their Mama and Papa so makes my heart so swollen with gratitude every time they are near!!
 a little math lesson...
 after several years of bad allergies..and a allergist..and and ENT...we were sent to get a CT scan ..
 Myles nurse carrying him back to the room..
 he  was quite loopy for about 30 minutes..
 the CTscan hasn't shown any abnormalities that would require immediate
 we are diapering with cloth!!
some days i feel super empowered..
not so much.
 Mauldin is doing great!
He is still a dog you know..
and he loves squirrels..and cats..
but he also loves us!!
Sam has actually become a flight risk recently..
so so so so very scarey!!
We are concentrating only on his love for Sam right now...
(please pray...i cannot even say the what ifs...)
 Dada time...Owen LOVES his Dada!!
He smiles so big when he comes home..and before long, I am sure he will be chasing behind his brothers to greet him upon his arrival..
Oh the love.
I caught Sam  

a rare sighting..
a beautiful moment for this Mommy!

 Well hello there!
Owen is not a fan of tummy time...but he is a social butterfly..
the "other baby" helped him endure longer..

 My boys..
 A Sweet Sammy Smile after eating some chocolate fondue dip...with avacado in it..
sounds yucky..tastes....YUUUUMMMMYY!
 Our girls are the best!!
They are so accomodating to the boys..
They are so kind!
They are very smart!
They are intensely committed!
They are permanently a part of our hearts!
They are so dear to me!
 bulking up..
 Dada has been taking Sam on one on one outings..
Sam loves going to Dada's work..he color while Lee checks important work stuff out..
 typing added to Myles' ABA program..
 for the love of chesseburgers!!
 This was this morning..Owen is looking at himself in the mirror..I am looking rather disheveled..
I have a hefty patch of gray hairs glistening on the top of my head..
all of a sudden..if its not gray it is falling out..
post baby, getting older season...:)...bring it!

 today..painting on the tree..
 We made a fort under the picnic table...and had a snack..

I have thought to do many a post...
and then i think..nobody would want to see this life all disheveled like..
so now i am resolving to just show it..
a dear friend recently shared with me that when she first met me it was hard for her to
spend time with me because it seemed like everything was always so perfect...
and i was always so happy..
Smoke and mirrors baby!!
My life is far from perfect..
my disposition is WAY far from perfect..
I was heartbroken to hear this from her..
What did I miss out on because I gave the illusion that all was always well???
I do feel it is important to be positive..
and truely i strive to be overflowing...
half full is not enough for this girl..
I struggle..
I long for this..
I fear a dry cup..
I have plenty to share..and I keep to avoid being vulnerable..
I don't want to miss out on opportunities to reach out to others...or just express who i am and this beautiful life we have ..just because I DON'T HAVE IT TOGETHER!!!
Where am i going with this..??
I don't really know.
and that is okay.
it has been heavy on my heart.
I love others.
I love to have others over..and peeking into this big life we have..
So I will show it.
If you have already told me to post..thankyou!
I needed that!
If you want me to post about something..tell me..
I would love that too...
if i haven't reached out to you lately..please forgive me..
I miss doing that.
This season of my life is a tastey one...
I love my portion..
I am happy to share!

That's all.
Have a love-fully!


Mindy Dumont said...

Joy, I LOVED your post! You are such a great mommy to your boys! They're all getting so big, and they look so happy. I completely understand about not letting people see the less than perfect side. I'm the same way, but I've tried to open up a little bit more in the last year. I started wondering if everyone was struggling as much as me! I couldn't be the only person that doesn't have it together. :) Please keep posting when you get a chance. I understand how big a change it is going from 2 to 3 kids.

mysteryhistorymom said...

Joy- I loved reading about what is going on in your sweet home! I love the happy times and the crazy times! Thanks for making it "real", dear friend. I am with you completely. Life makes me cry so much sometimes. I wish we could "live in the movies" when things always work out within a couple of hours. sigh... I am here for you if you need me. I may be calling you for a kind ear soon. We are trying something new this week and I am praying hard! Love you!:) Lori

Xorlac said...

Precious, precious post. Your heart for your family just radiates from you and, more importantly, it radiates from THEM! God has used you and our recent discussions regarding our "portion" to completely humble this cranky, selfish mommy. Thank you for your honesty about this crazy life; we CAN have joy through Christ, no matter what. You, my friend, and your joyful spirit, are an excellent example of that. Keep the posts coming! : )
Always encouraged,

J Bouquet Brooch by Cherrypips Copper Uppercase Letter O Y coloured card disc letter f U L Black L, with tree N E S S





The Nester

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